October 2020

The Deacons are looking for a few good people. We are in need people who would like to be a Deacon here at First Pres. The Deacons fill a very important role of spiritual life here. Besides getting the church ready for worship every week we also are the public relations and community outreach arm of the church. Reaching out to Oneida and the surrounding communities to bring the teaching s of Jesus Christ to those in need of a positive path in life. Helping those in need and providing comfort and fellowship in times of crisis. If you are interest-ed let one of the current Deacons know.

 Prayer Shawl Ministry 

THE DEACON PRAYER SHAWL MINISTRY The Deacons are again getting low on prayer shawls. If you knit or crochet could you consider making one. After you bring one in, it will be dedicated the next Communion Sunday and then delivered to someone in need of prayers, comfort and encouragement. If you hear of a need or know of someone in need of prayers and comfort, please contact any Deacon to help you select a prayer shawl. We also have stuffed animals for children. Thank you for your ministry. If you could only see how much this means to people.

 Food Donations 

Food Donations: Communion Sunday food donations of nonperishable goods have been shared with our local food banks for over a decade. Our Deacons Food Cupboard, located at the top of the stairs near the water fountain, is almost depleted with your generous Easter Love Tree donations. We have decided to place your communion donations in our cupboard. If you would like to help us follow the command of Jesus to feed the hungry, Let people know of our supplies. There are bags beside the cupboard that all are welcome to use.

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