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 Online Donations 

Growing Giving Online

Setting up a recurring donation online is an easy way to continue regular contributions when you are not able to attend worship. 

Online gifts:   EFT may be better than debit or credit cards 
When debit and credit cards expire, or if a donor changes a credit card, the donor may forget to transfer this information for recurring donations. The Presbyterian Mission Exchange Team will contact donors on your behalf when this happens, so your ministry will continue to receive funding. But a good way to avoid this potential problem is to encourage payment via electronic funds transfer, or EFT, from the donor's checking or savings account.

People do not change bank accounts as often as they change credit cards. Whereas a 1% transaction charge is deducted from donations made by credit/debit card and EFT transfer, the EFT gift does not incur a credit card payment-processing fee. You may want to encourage EFT transfers from the very beginning so that more of the donation goes to your ministry.

You can still pay the way you always have, by cash or check in the offering plate or by mailing it in.   

Please review the following Instructional Guide for online contributions.   I have included images of each page as they should appear........  NOTE:  these samples are images of website.  Therefore, the links do not work on this page.  They will work on the real website!

I.  After clicking the   button, do the following:

  • On the Mission Exchange main page, below the heading,  find  
  • Note the link,  "Search Giving Opportunities
  • In the space provided (before the link) -  write first presbyterian - then enter

II.  A list of First Presbyterian churches will appear.  At the right side of the page,
         fill in the KEY words as shown below, then  
Click the search icon


III.  A new page appears with a link for Oneida First Presbyterian Church.
           Click on First Presbyterian Church, Oneida

IV.  The next form gives you a choice of two funds:  at the bottom of the form
          are two choices:

         GENERAL OFFERING FUND    or --
         HONOR OUR PAST - INVEST IN OUR FUTURE  [this is the boiler fund]

         Choose the link for the fund for your contribution 

  V.  The Contribution Form  for you to fill in  appears as below:  It clearly shows to
         which fund your dollars will be deposited.  Note that the form gives the account
         name and its bank account number.

First Presbyterian Church
304 Broad Street | Oneida, NY 13421 | PH: (315) 363-7590

Office Hours: Monday - Friday, 8:30am - 12:30pm